Write down the password for the WiFi network of the gateway on a piece of paper, you'll need it later. It is printed on the back of the gateway (Wifi pwd).
Keep the RESET button (small button at the back of the gateway next to the USB-C port) pressed for 5 seconds until the LED blinks rapidly from GREEN to RED and vice versa for a couple of times.
Hold the SETUP button (at the top of the gateway, next to the LED) for 10 seconds until the LED rapidly blinks RED.
The gateway now exposes a WiFi access point whose SSID is MINIHUB-xxxxxx, where xxxxxx
is the last 6 digits of the gateway EUI. The password for this network is printed on the back of the gateway.
After connecting to this network go to
using a web browser to access the WiFi config page.
Select the WiFi network by clicking the + button next to the desired network (and enter its password if it is a secure network).
Click Save and Reboot to finish.
If your configuration is correct,
De gateway dient enkel aangesloten worden via een Ethernetkabel, er is geen verdere configuratie nodig.
Meer informatie bij problemen met de kickstarter GW kan je hier vinden: https://www.thethingsindustries.com/docs/gateways/thethingskickstartergateway/#troubleshooting